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A collage of several Czepeku maps

Haunted Ghost Ship Interior map, Original Lower Deck variant
Haunted Ghost Ship Interior
Haunted Ghost Ship Interior
Wizard Bank Interior map, Floor B2 Original Day variant
Wizard Bank Interior
Wizard Bank Interior
Dragon's Hoard map, Original Day variant
Dragon's Hoard
Dragon's Hoard
Modular Caves map, Ruins Treasure Room 01 variant
Modular Caves
Modular Caves
Temple of the Medusa map, Original variant
Temple of the Medusa
Temple of the Medusa
Grand Hunter's House map, Ground Floor Original Day variant
Grand Hunter's House
Grand Hunter's House
Deep Sea Temple map, Original variant
Deep Sea Temple
Deep Sea Temple
Abyssal Fall map, Zone 2 Natural Chest variant
Abyssal Fall
Abyssal Fall
Necropolis Dungeon map, Level 1 Antechamber variant
Necropolis Dungeon
Necropolis Dungeon
Grand Opera House map, Auction variant
Grand Opera House
Grand Opera House
Opulent Ballroom map, Treasury Exhibition variant
Opulent Ballroom
Opulent Ballroom
Grounded Castle map, Gallery Day Original variant
Grounded Castle
Grounded Castle
Lightning Rail map, Bank Car variant
Lightning Rail
Lightning Rail
City Streets map, Eckart's Armour Shop Day variant
City Streets
City Streets
Thieves Guild Hideout map, Cursed Relic variant
Thieves Guild Hideout
Thieves Guild Hideout
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room map, Original variant
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room
Temple of the Couatl Boss Room
Drakescale Peak map, Original variant
Drakescale Peak
Drakescale Peak
The Stranded Casino map, Treasure Room variant
The Stranded Casino
The Stranded Casino
Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Original variant
Cavern of the Venom Queen
Cavern of the Venom Queen
Realm of Dreams map, Full Map Day variant
Realm of Dreams
Realm of Dreams
Floating Castle map, Library Room Day variant
Floating Castle
Floating Castle
Minotaur Labyrinth map, Original variant
Minotaur Labyrinth
Minotaur Labyrinth