Cavern of the Venom Queen

Starry Cave

Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Original variant thumbnail
Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Bloody Cave variant thumbnail
Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Cult Cave variant thumbnail
Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Dark Cave variant thumbnail
Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Desert Cave variant thumbnail
Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Frost Cave variant thumbnail
Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Starry Cave variant thumbnail
Cavern of the Venom Queen map, Toxic variant thumbnail

This beautifully detailed map is perfect for a trip underground! The original map is filled with spider webs, eggs, and a scary purple glow. The details really make this dungeon come to life - Connected to a cove with a dock and ships, the further you go into the cavern, the more there is to explore. Storage rooms, bedrooms, and even a crypt are waiting to be found. Whether the party is trudging through a dry desert cavern or tracking a bloodthirsty creature, this is the map for you.


Grid tiles

35 × 50

Grid size

140 pixels per tile

Image dimensions

4900 × 7000